- Advice – whether a permit and offset is required to remove native vegetation
- Assessment and quantification of vegetation loss and offset requirements – low, medium and high risk pathways
- Assisting permit holders – to meet general and/or specific offset requirements
- Site assessments – habitat hectares assessments
- Listing of offsets on the Native Vegetation Credit Register
- Offset matching
- Meeting EPBC offset requirements
Victorian Planning Provisions state that in certain circumstances a planning permit is required to remove, destroy or lop native vegetation. The Permitted Clearing of Native Vegetation – Biodiversity Assessment Guidelines outline application requirements for a permit to remove native vegetation. In most situations, where a permit to remove native vegetation is required, an ‘offset’ to compensate for the loss of vegetation is necessary.
We assist:
- Permit holders – who have an “offset” obligation to locate an offset.
- Landowners – who want to create a potential income stream from managing native vegetation on their land to generate native vegetation credits.
We have been assisting private and public landholders since 2004 to:
- quantify offset obligations
- find suitable offset sites
- calculate “gain points”
- register offsets on the Native Vegetation Credit Register and
- prepare offset management plans
Example Projects
- Assessment of Offset Sites, assistance in finding offsets and preparation of Offset Plans for the proposed Stockman Mine, including preparation of an Offset Strategy to address State and Commonwealth Offset Obligations. (Independence Group, 2007-2015).
- Preparation of Offset Management Plans for Wellington Shire Council owned land for use as a Landbank (Wellington Shire Council, 2009 & 2011).