B.Sc / B. For. Sc. (Hons)
Senior Environmental Consultant

Amie has a broad range of experience in flora and fauna survey techniques from over 15 years of working in natural resource management, predominantly within the Gippsland region. She is a DELWP accredited Vegetation assessor, with experience undertaking Habitat Hectares Assessments, flora surveys, vegetation mapping, weed identification and threatened flora population monitoring.
Amie also has extensive experience in fauna survey and threatened species monitoring. She has planned and conducted general and targeted fauna surveys in Gippsland and southern NSW for the full suite of terrestrial vertebrate species, and has excellent knowledge of threatened fauna species in Gippsland.
Amie has completed numerous detailed ecological assessments for a variety of clients, including for large infrastructure projects, mineral exploration projects, urban land development and vegetation offsets. Amie’s reporting and mapping outputs are of the highest quality, often forming part of environmental approval processes for local government, Environmental Effects Statements and EPBC referrals.
Amie is experienced in conducting and leading field assessments in remote areas, and is familiar with many of the remote and forested areas of eastern Victoria. Through her involvement in numerous large-scale projects, Amie is skilled and experienced in the collection, collation, and management of large / complex datasets, the display and analysis of complex spatial data using ArcGis, and the development and implementation of quality control procedures.