- Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) determination
- Bushfire Management Statements
- Pre-purchase inspections and advice
Recommendations from the 2009 Black Saturday Victorian Bushfire Royal Commission (VBRC) highlight the need to prioritise protection of human life over all other policy objectives. The Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) and associated Planning Scheme Clause 52.47 – Bushfire Protection: Planning Requirements (introduced in 2011), identify areas with the highest bushfire risk. All new developments (e.g. houses and subdivisions) in these areas must be assessed as part of the planning permit process.
If your property is located within a BMO, then development on the site is likely to require a Bushfire Risk Assessment, Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment and preparation of a Bushfire Management Statement. Ethos NRM is able to assist with all of these requirements.
In addition, specific Bushfire Prone Areas require certain construction standards for new buildings. If your property is located within a Bushfire Prone Area, then a BAL assessment and rating is needed to meet the new building construction standards (AS3959-2009). A minimum BAL of 12.5 applies to all bushfire prone areas.
Developments such as construction of single dwellings my also require a number of additional planning approvals for factors such as; Vegetation Removal and Offsets, Septic Tank Permits, planning permits and/or Bushfire Management Statements.
Example projects:
- Numerous planning permits for landholders addressing the Bushfire (Wildfire) Management Overlay.